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Topic 1: Forest Biorefineries – Process and materials innovation involving wood-based biomass in support of a circular bioeconomy

Our idea are sustainable products made out of wood waste by the means of a natural "glue/matrix" mycelium, the structural part of fungi. We already produced first prototypical parts, have a production process and offer process-knowledge. We ...

Wood chips; Sawdust; Mycelium; Furniture; Civil Engineering; Packaging; Sustainability; Waste Reduction

Topic 1: Forest Biorefineries – Process and materials innovation involving wood-based biomass in support of a circular bioeconomy

Address high temperature corrosion challenge in biomass combustion and biomass/coal co-combustion for power and heat generation. Develop materials solution to support the deployment of advanced biochemical and thermochemical conversation technologies, ...

Addive Manufacturing, Material Development, Simulation, New Materials, EHLA, LMD

Topic 1: Forest Biorefineries – Process and materials innovation involving wood-based biomass in support of a circular bioeconomy

Material Development: Adressing high temperature corrosion challange in biomass combustion and biomass/coal co-combustion for power and heat generation Develop materials solution to support the deployment of advanced biochemical and thermochemical c ...

Additive Manufacturing, AM, Material Development


Environmental impacts of logging residue removal and intensive harvesting, greenhouse gas emissions, eddy covariance and chamber based measurements, land use change modelling

Eddy covariance, GHG exchange, sustainability, climate change, life cycle analysis, bioenergy, agriculture